| Grande Domaine Vienna Roast Whole Bean 100% Kona Coffee - $30.00 There is no other Kona Coffee like
this one. It stands alone. Our Grande Domaine Kona has gained notoriety by being selected as a Kona Coffee Cupping contest
winner for outstanding quality and balance. A decadent blend of our most flavorful Kona coffee beans blended with a smattering
of Peaberry Kona, the most rare Kona Coffee of all. The best of the best; sun-drenched Kona coffee, harvested by hand and
roasted to a perfect Vienna roast, which is a little darker than medium. For connoisseurs, thats a perfect second-crack so
you taste both the roast and the exquisite flavor that only comes from the Mauna Loa region of the Kona Coffee belt. This
coffee will spoil you for any other. A cup of oh-my-gosh sent directly from Hawaii to your door, with Aloha. In whole bean
Kona Coffee, because you already know the aroma of freshly ground alone is enough to put a smile on your face, before you
even pour the water. |